"Information sharing produces shared awareness among the participants and collaborative production relies on shared citation, but collective action creates shared responsibility by tying the user's identity to the identity of the group." --Clay Shirky Here Comes Everybody
Mr. Shirky makes a good point, especially using his example of VOTF in Chapter 6. People are all trying to access all types of information through different mediums. Shirky points out that the best way to get this information, and the fastest way, is to keep sharing it through different social media tools that are provided to us. There is a constant want and need for information and displaying it throughout different mediums gets the information faster to the public. There are different ways of now sharing information that should be embraced.
Take Twitter for example. Before I even open my web browser, I open TweetDeck to check out all of the updates. Then, when I look at different news Web sites, I've already seen more than half of the information. Isn't that very helpful?
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